Saturday 11 May 2013


I swear I've posted this before but there's going to be a series 5 of HH! I'm really excited and I hope you are too!
That's all for now, bye!
Han xoxo

Thursday 6 September 2012

Sarah Hadland in series 4!

Hey everyone,
Ok, I've been putting off posting this for a long time (not sure why) but I noticed that Sarah Hadland has come back to HH in series 4! Hooray! I have to admit, she obviously is not and wasn't my favourite cast member, but it's pretty awesome to have her back on the show!
That's all for now, byes!

Monday 20 August 2012

Lyrics videos!

I have a few YouTube channels, and one of them is specifically devoted to Horrible Histories. This is the name:
I have put up a few videos (there's many more to come) and all of them are lyrics videos. Please go check it out and subscribe, like, comment, send me messages and things like that. I also take requests so if there's a HH song you'd like me to make the lyrics for, just ask and I'll see if I can!

Thursday 9 August 2012

It's on Aussie TV!

Series 4 episode two is as far as it's come so far but on Sunday, episode three will come out! Even though I've seen an awful lot of series 4 already, it's still really exciting!

Monday 23 July 2012


OMG I just had a bit of a massive freak out! I was watching TV and then an ad for HH series 4 came up! I watched it and there was a big build up to what was happening! I'd seen quite a few of the sketches that were in the ad already on YouTube and I knew instantly it was about series 4! It's so exciting! I can't wait!
Bye for now, not forever!

Sunday 22 July 2012

I got my HH series 3 on disc!

I just remembered, a few weeks ago, I got HH series 3 on disc! The bloopers are so funny and I watched everything on both discs in two days! I'm also soooo excited for when series 4 airs in Australia so I can see it! (Mind you, I've watched heaps of the songs from series 4 on YouTube already!)
That's all for now, bye!

Saturday 7 April 2012

My other blogs

if you have something you would like to discuss but can't find a blog for it, check out my other blosg and please follow it! Click on the links below (if the links don't work, copy and paste the web addresses into your search bar up the top)

also check out my friend's blog at:

the links to her other blogs are in the first post on the page
Bye! xx

Sunday 25 March 2012

Series Four

Hey guys!
Sorry it's been so long, I just haven't had much to write. Anyway, more to the point, I found out a few days ago that the premiere of HH series four has just happened. I'm pretty sure the first episode is going to come out in Spring, (in Britain) so around March to May (I think) So, VERY soon! HOORAY!
Bye for now :)
P.S. I'll notify everyone when the first episode comes out on ABC3!

Tuesday 21 February 2012

A picture I made

This a picture I made with piZap and it is copyrighted so don't go out copying it :P

:D What I think the regular cast are especially good at as individuals

Mathew (Mat) is unbelievably hot!
Martha is the one of the most beautiful women on the planet!
Jim is fantastic at hilarious faces!
Ben is just amazing at a whole range of accents/voices!
Alice is a total individual!
Simon is absolutely terrific at playing totally insane characters!
Laurence is incredible at cracking quick and funny jokes!
Lawry is just awesome at pretending to be angry but really stupid!
Sarah was astounding at faking selfishness!

Bit late but anyways

I know it's a bit late but I found out that about three or four months ago I found out the crew and cast had finished filimimg series four. YAY!!! So hopefully a whole new series will be coming very soon. In an interview, Ben even spilled there may be a song about WW1 but there is no guarentee.
Well, bye 4 now!

Hellooooo! :)

Hey everyone (as in my one follower),
I know, I know, this blog is pretty boring so far but I don't have much time because of school and there's not much to write about anyway. I will try to update it as often as possible.
Goodbye for now!